Our practical, up-to-date information resources explain Motor Neurone Disease (MND) and empower people impacted by the disease to make decisions to help them live better for longer.
Prefer paper? Contact us if you would like paper copies of any of the following brochures by calling 1800 777 175 (07 3372 9004) or email supportservices@mndqld.org.au.
Facts about MND
The following information resources are a good starting point:
Living better for longer
Find answers to care issues in our series of facts sheets exploring interventions that research has shown to help people live better for longer with MND:
For healthcare professionals and service providers
The following resources provide proven, evidence-based information to help health and community care professionals promote optimal care outcomes for people living with MND:
MND Connect
The MND Australia website for health and community care professionals involved in MND care and support
MND Connect
MND Aware training modules
A self-paced, e-learning program developed by MND NSW, which provides health and community care professionals with a basic understanding of MND and the impact of MND on an individual's life.
MND Aware
Aspects of care for the primary health care team 2017
A detailed clinical guide for GPs and the primary healthcare team who are supporting people living with MND and their families. Printed copies are available, please get in touch to request one. (40 pages)
Aspects of Care for primary health team
Aspects of care for staff of residential aged care facilities
A booklet produced by MND NSW for residential aged care staff, which will assist them to meet the needs of residents living with MND (74 pages)
Aspects of Care for staff of aged care facilities
Aspects of care: community care
A booklet produced by MND NSW for community care providers and case managers, which provided information on providing MND care in a community setting (78 pages)
Aspects of Care Community Care
GPs Diagnostic Tool
This information sheet was created to assist General Practitioners identify the symptoms of MND.
GPs Diagnostic Tool
Paramedics tool
A booklet developed to assist paramedics when they have first contact with a patient with Motor Neurone Disease.
Paramedics tool
For families and young people
This extensive information pack will help parents talk about MND with their children. The series includes booklets for:
Familial MND
Visit page
Planning ahead
Download factsheet
MNDQLD Webinars
MND Queensland hosts regular, educational webinars on topics of interest for people impacted by MND. Click here to go to our library of recordings.
Watch Webinars