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Life Stories

What is the MND Life Stories Program?

Born from an idea to provide more quality services for our members that don’t necessarily revolve around their MND journey, the Life Stories Program was launched.

Available to all our client members, the process of telling one’s life story or parts of it, is a giving away of yourself that celebrates life and reaffirms who you are as a person. Being the storyteller is a therapeutic experience no matter how big or small the story is. It often allows people to grow in peace through reflection, and know they are more than just this disease. Your voice comes through the story, leaving a legacy for your family.

Pictured: Ray & Estelle who participated in the Life Stories Program

How does the service work?

Our specially trained volunteers work one on one with members to tell their story. They will contact you to give you a bit more information about the service.

A consent form to participate will then be sent to you for signing and a visit or video chat at a mutually agreed time will be arranged to start your life story.

Stories are captured during sessions of up to one hour over 5 –10 visits using a digital recorder or note taking. You have the freedom to stop a session to rest or withdraw at any time.

Following each session, the volunteer transcribes and lightly edits the shared material, including photos and other documents that you may wish included.

This is shared before the next meeting and changes can be made before continuing on with your story.

After the final recording session, the volunteer prepares the final copy and confirms you are happy with the final product before printing it in the format that you have decided on. The finished document will then be delivered within four weeks.

How do I get more information?

If you are interested in being part of the Life Stories Program, please chat with your Support Coordinators for more information or email us directly at lifestories@mndaq.org.au.

Download our Life Stories Service flyer for more information
download flyer

If you are not already a member with MND Queensland, call our toll free number 1800 777 175 (07 3372 9004) or email info@mndqld.org.au.  Membership for people with an MND diagnosis is free.

If you are interested in participating in this Program, please fill in the referral form below.
