Strategic Plan: 2024 - 2026
Mission Statement
Our mission is to ensure access to best practice care and support for every Queenslander impacted by MND and contribute to finding a cure.
Vision Statement
A world free of Motor Neurone Disease.
Our commitment to people impacted by MND is the fundamental basis for all we do and drives our high quality, person-centred, care and support.
We foster positive and supportive relationships by enabling connection, sharing resources and advocating for the interests of people impacted by MND.
We respect and value each and every member of the MND community.
We seek to be at the forefront of best practice and opportunities that improve the quality of outcomes.
We are ethical in all our practices.
Strategic Pillars
Enhance and expand care and support for clients, their families, friends and carers
- Ensure the availability of a broad range of high-quality services and supports for people living with MND through in-person and online access.
- Increase the range of allied health and multidisciplinary support services and geographical reach to be state-wide.
- Deliver wide ranging education programs to provide contemporary information and consistent expert advice relating to all aspects of MND.
- Improve access to peer-support groups throughout the state.
- Develop and enhance carer/family support services
Build and sustain connection and community
- Ensure MND Queensland activities are guided by feedback from members, clients and the broader MND community.
- Lead collaborative relationships with other MND organisations to improve the effectiveness, efficiency and scope of services and supports to the MND community.
- Develop the volunteer engagement program to enhance the MND Queensland volunteer-base and recognise their value.
- Provide communications that are current, regular and informative to the MND Queensland community and other stakeholders.
- Promote the benefits of membership of MND Queensland to grow the member base.
Deliver education, build awareness and provide advocacy
- Maintain MND Queensland’s unique expertise and primary focus on MND.
- Expand education and training for clients, carers and allied health professionals throughout Queensland.
- Educate the broader community about MND and its impacts.
- Support service providers with knowledge about MND and their client needs.
- Promote MND Queensland as the “Go-To” organisation in Queensland for best-practice support.
- Increase visibility, participation and support for community events and initiatives.
- Influence decision-makers to ensure that the needs of people impacted by MND are fully and equitably met.
Promote and support research into care, cause and cure for MND
- Support research activities through partnerships and sharing data.
- Encourage and facilitate MND Queensland clients’ participation in MiNDAUS.
- Drive translation of research outcomes to inform best-practice care.
- Contribute to setting research priorities relevant to needs of people impacted by MND.
- Promote opportunities for MND Queensland clients to engage in research
Ensure sustainability and enable growth
- Collaborate with other organisations so Queenslanders impacted by MND have better access to expert care and support.
- Collaborate with MND Australia and its members to optimise the effectiveness of the national peak body.
- Strengthen relationship with other MND bodies to maximise strategic opportunities.
- Maintain contemporary governance and management.
- Ensure resources are used responsibly for the sustainability of MND Queensland and its service.
- Diversify revenue streams and pursue innovative fundraising.
- Invest in our people to enhance organisational capability.